東京電機大学では初代学長 故丹羽保次郎博士のご功績を記念して、昭和52年より電子通信工学関連分野において(情報工学、電気工学等の関連分野を広く含みます)独創的な研究に従事し、かつ優秀な論文を発表した若手研究者に対して丹羽記念賞を授与しております。
学校法人 東京電機大学
理事長 石塚 昌昭
学 長 射場本 忠彦
情報工学、電気工学等の関連分野を含む、広い意味の電子通信工学関係論文のうち 次に該当する若手研究者の論文を対象とします。なお、同一論文の応募は一回限りとします。
(1)掲載期間 令和4年9月1日~令和6年8月31日
(2)著 者 応募者の単著、又は共著の場合には本人の寄与が大部分のものとします。
審査は審査委員会(審査委員長:東京電機大学長 射場本忠彦)において、提出された書類を中心にして行います。
(1) 論文の独立性・独創性・工学的有効性の見地から判断します。ただし、この賞は大学院生あるいは最近の修了者が著者である若手研究者の論文を対象としていますので、 実用的価値については広い意味で将来実用につながることが考えられれば結構です。
(3) 論文としてのまとまりを見ます。
(2)提出期限は令和6年9月5日(木)必着 とします。
研究推進社会連携センター 研究推進担当
(丹羽保次郎記念論文賞事務局 担当 清水、本山)
TEL 03-5284-5230 FAX 03-5284-5246
email : kenkyu-k@jim.dendai.ac.jp
The applicant must be engaged with electronic communication engineering in general including information engineering and electrical engineering
(1) is a Graduate Student (Master’s course or Doctoral course), or
(2) graduated or finished doctoral course within 2 years.
※ One can apply only once with the same paper.
(1) Publication period: between September 1, 2022 and August 31, 2024
(2) Author: Either single author of the applicant or the most of the content is a contribution of the
applicant in case the paper is co-written.
(3) Only one paper which was published in the recognized academic journals such as the following
societies is acceptable.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering,
Electrical Engineering of Japan, Information and Television Engineering,
The Acoustical Society of Japan, Information Processing Society of Japan,
The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Physical Society of Japan, IEEE Journal etc.
* in case of electronic journals; Upon application, you have to submit a copy of acceptance notice from Society and the like.
It is necessary to submit an officially stamped or signed recommendation letter from dean or department head of a graduate school or a person in an equivalent position.
Submitted documents will be judged by the Judging Committee (Chaired by the President of Tokyo Denki University, Tadahiko IBAMOTO).
(1)Paper will be judged from viewpoints of originality, independence and engineering usability.
In regard to engineering usability as this award is for young researchers, future potential will also be considered.
(2)In selection, applicant’s other performances, papers and presentation achievements at academic meetings in the past are also considered.
(3) Cohesion as a paper is important.
(4) Prof.Yasujiro Niwa had a great respect on practical science. Paper which is suitable for Yasujiro Niwa Outstanding Paper Award will be selected from this practical scientific point.
(1)Awardees will be decided by the end of this year and the result will be notified by mail to the awardees and recommenders.
(2)Number of awardees: 1 or 2 in principle
(3)The Yasujiro Niwa Outstanding Paper Award and supplementary award will be given to awardees.
(1)All documents including the candidate paper are to be in PDF and e-mailed to
kenkyu-k@jim.dendai.ac.jp as an attachment.
(2)Deadline for recommendation letter is September 5,2024.
Contact: Niwa Award Secretariat
The office of Research Management
email : kenkyu-k@jim.dendai.ac.jp
氏名 | 長田 将 |
推薦大学 | 東京大学 |
論文名 | A Fractional-N Ring PLL Using Harmonic-Mixer-Based Dual Feedback and Split-Feedback Frequency Division with Phase-Domain Filtering |
掲載誌 | IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (2024年1月30日,Vol.59,No.7) |
氏名 | 前 匡鴻 |
推薦大学 | 東京大学 |
論文名 | Multi-Axis Resonant Filter Design using Frequency Response Data applied to Industrial Scan Stage |
掲載誌 | IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,Vol.29, No.4,2024 |
氏名 | 川原 啓輔 |
推薦大学 | 横浜国立大学 |
論文名 | High-speed, low-voltage, low-bit-energy silicon photonic crystal slow-light modulator with impedance-engineered distributed electrodes |
掲載誌 | Optica (2024年8月28日,Volume:11,lssue:9) |